Mover tracking boxes in an organized fashion


Hiring a moving company can be tricky. There are many different sizes of moving companies with different levels of expertise. Depending on your needs, moving companies vary between DIY movers to white glove services. If you are moving from one small apartment to another, you may not need a white glove service, instead it would benefit you to hire a smaller moving company with a more affordable price. That said, if you have any specialized items like expensive art or pianos to be moved, or your building requires a COI, you may need to look at a median priced moving company or a white glove service to have your items properly packed and your move run as smoothly as possible. Other things to consider, include asking if there’s an extra cost for a walk up and how much they charge per floor. Some moving companies also have interim or climate controlled storage, if you need either of these, moving companies can sometimes be better options than storage companies. Though there are lots of options to weigh when it comes to hiring a moving company, if you ask the right questions, and get the right answers, you will find the right moving company for you.


Labeling is one of the most important aspects of moving. Not only should you keep track of the amount of boxes and furniture pieces you have, but you should also keep track of what’s in each box and where each box needs to go. The best way to keep track of each item and each box is to pack them in the same category, such as, only kitchen items in kitchen boxes, and only toiletry items in toiletry boxes. Furthermore,  It is just as important to keep track of each item within each box. Be as specific as possible and try to avoid miscellaneous. This becomes imperative when storing items for long periods of time, or when needing a specific item, such as linens, by the end of the night. Categorize your items as best you can and this will ensure you have the smoothest unpacking experience. 


Organizing items for an essentials bag

Before moving, think about what you and your family will need over the course of a week. You needn’t pack too many things, just enough to fill a backpack or box that you can easily keep track of. Some items to include would be… Keys, important identification cards, cash/credit cards, toiletries, medicine, chargers, an extra pair of clothes, and snacks/drinks if you aren’t near a local store. Never underestimate how disorganized a move can get or be, keeping the items of utmost importance close at hand is extremely important especially if you need them in a short amount of time. 


It’s important to donate unwanted or unused items before moving. It would be terrible to move items you no longer want, only to have it take up precious time in the move, and precious space in your new home. Besides, donating can be very rewarding, not only does it benefit the environment, but allows someone else to use and cherish the item that you once did. The best places for your donated items are either goodwill or housing works. If you are in Manhattan and have an extremely large amount of donated items, you can also hire Junk Luggars who will auction off your items and give you a percentage of the profits. 

An individual, overwhelmed by their items, needing a professional organizers help


There’s no need to go at it alone. There are many options you can go in so you are not stuck moving by yourself. If you cannot hire help, try getting a friend or neighbor to take care of your kids or pets while you pack and unpack, have your housekeeper unpack the kitchen and your nanny or babysitter unpack your kid’s rooms. If you wish to hire help for your pack/unpack, you can hire a moving company or a professional organizing company. Movers will pack and unpack your home but they will only go so far as a surface unpack and take away the boxes. This means they will place all of your items out of the boxes, not necessarily in their proper place, but on counters, cabinets and floors. You can also hire a professional organizing company, like AK Organizing, who will provide a moving plan as well as an unpacking plan that implements systems, maximizes your new space, and finds the perfect products to enhance your new home experience. 

November 14, 2022 by Brennan Reid

Hi, my name is Brennan Reid. I am the founder of Aristotle Organizing and the primary writer of this blog.

Image of Brennan Reid, the founder.

We specialize with young successful individuals looking for help when it comes to unpacking and organizing their busy lives. By incorporating beauty and function into each project, clients are able to not only see the changes, but feel them. Learn more about what we do…

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Aristotle Organizing is a professional Organizing company founded by Brennan Reid. Aristotle specializes in Decluttering, Unpacking, and Organizing. Discover how to get started here!

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