Picking the right name
Picking a name for a business is one of the hardest things to do. People will tell you… the name has to mean something, it has to be clever, it has to resonate with you, it has to start with the letter “A” or a number “123” so that it bumps you to the top of the search engine list. Blah, blah, blah. All of this is true. Or at least it was for me. But! The name, “Aristotle Organizing” didn’t come to me until I was already a year into building my business. And at that point, you’re not supposed to change your branding, your logo, your domain name, etc. However, I took the advice of one of my colleagues who told me, “just do it.” Either it was a colleague or a Nike commercial, but nonetheless, I listened to it and changed my business name.
My business name went from, “A-Z NYC Quality Organizing,” a name no one in their right mind would remember, to, “Aristotle Organizing,” the recognizable name of a famous philosopher. I originally kept the name, “A-Z NYC blah blah blah” because it had all the requirements a name ought to. It started with an “A,” it resonated with me, it meant something and, to me but no one else, it was clever. I organized EVERYTHING from “A-Z,” I was mainly based in “NYC,” my services were QUALITY, and I was in the professional business of… ORGANIZING. However, I was constantly discouraged whenever people would ask, “what’s your business name again?” seconds after I had told them. First I thought everyone had short term memory loss but after the 36th person saying, “what was that name again?,” I knew I had to get out of the senior center. No… I knew I had to change my name. I thought again on my business name for months, it came to me at the perfect time… I had only paid for my logo, my domain, created my website, marketed my social media and signed up for several different programs for organizers. But this business name did something, no other name did, it was recognizable. People recognized the name Aristotle. They remembered learning about Aristotle in high school and taking a painfully difficult college class on philosophy. They remembered cursing to the Greek and roman philosophers for being clever, forcing students to learn about their thoughts and discoveries. I knew people would associate this pain of learning with my business name, it was perfect. Let me explain why… people associate the pain of learning about Aristotle with the pain of being disorganized and needing to hire “Aristotle Organizing.” Once the students were done with the course, they were relieved, just like they will be after “Aristotle organizing” works their magic.
If you truly want to know the 5 reasons I picked the name Aristotle Organizing, email me at [email protected], DM me on Instagram: AristotleOrganizing, or message me on Facebook: @aristotleorganizing
Thanks for reading!
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Hi, my name is Brennan Reid. I am the founder of Aristotle Organizing and the primary writer of this blog.
We specialize with young successful individuals looking for help when it comes to unpacking and organizing their busy lives. By incorporating beauty and function into each project, clients are able to not only see the changes, but feel them. Learn more about what we do…
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Aristotle Organizing is a professional Organizing company founded by Brennan Reid. Aristotle specializes in Decluttering, Unpacking, and Organizing. Discover how to get started here!