Organizing Tips for National Wellness Month
Your environment whether it be your home or your business can affect you greatly. Whether it be productivity, focus, or relaxation, if your environment is in disarray, it’ll likely cause you to feel like you’re in disarray. So what can we do? Well, seeing that it is national wellness month, I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you some organizing and decluttering tips as a way to show yourself some self care.
Having a cluttered environment can make one feel overwhelmed, anxious, or even powerless. Sometimes, people don’t even know why they feel off or bad, they just do. I’d like to blame or at least make it a point of contention, that one of the causes of feeling off or bad is due to clutter. Obviously this is circumstantial, and I’m not saying clutter is the cause of anxiety/depression, though I do believe that it can exacerbate these feelings. When you look at a cluttered room, it’s like looking at a bowl of spaghetti. Things are everywhere, you can’t tell where one thing starts and another ends, and there’s certainly no bottom to be seen. So what do we do? Well… Similar to spaghetti, attack it one noodle at a time. Pick a spot. A spot where you know you can get rid of at least one thing. Throw that item in the trash or donation pile and begin going through that cluttered spot one item at a time. As opposed to only picking out the donations and the trash, take some sticky notes and start categorizing the items you wish to keep. As you go through different cluttered areas of the room, you’ll start to see these categories get bigger and bigger. Once you go through an entire room, you’re ready to find a place to put each of these categories. Whether all the items live in the same room as before is entirely up to you and what makes sense. After deciding where each pile should go, try if at all possible to put them away neatly in a cabinet, cupboard, drawer, closet, etc. The less that is left out the better you will feel.
So what next?
After doing one room are you on a roll or are you starting to feel exhausted? I personally believe that you should always be comfortable in what you decide to do, meaning do not overwhelm yourself. If you’ve only decluttered a corner of the room and you’re already “full of spaghetti,” also known as decluttering, then give it a break. Do as much as you can do and in as much time as you need to do it. One of the worst things you can do is do too much of it, and feel bloated, or in the organizing world, feel that you don’t want to do it again. If after trying to declutter and organize on your own you are not feeling self love but frustration. Give me, Aristotle Organizing Inc, a call and we’ll help you go through your things, set up organizational systems, and find some peace in this crazy world.
Written by Brennan Reid
Hi, my name is Brennan Reid. I am the founder of Aristotle Organizing Inc and the primary writer of this blog.
We specialize with young professionals and successful individuals looking for help when it comes to unpacking and organizing their busy lives. By incorporating beauty and function into each project, clients are able to not only see the changes, but feel them. Learn more about what we do…
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Aristotle Organizing Inc.
Aristotle Organizing Inc. is a professional Organizing company founded by Brennan Reid. Aristotle specializes in decluttering, moving, and organizing. Discover how to get started here!